Vol. 11 No. 42 (2024): April-May-June | Revista Publicando
Vol. 11 No. 42 (2024): April-May-June

This issue offers a variety of in-depth research and detailed analyses spanning from cultural to economic topics. We begin with the work of Mtro. José de Jesús Fernandez Malvaez and Dr. Juan Granados Valdéz, who in "La Exorcística Queretana: Anthropological and Philosophical Study" explore the practices and foundations of exorcism in Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico, providing insight into how these traditions continue to influence the local community.

This is followed by the article "Intangible Assets and Their Reasonable Valuation: Key Factor in the Preparation of Financial Statements" by Mariela Chango-Galarza and colleagues, which analyzes the importance of intangible assets within the presentation of financial statements, with a special focus on SMEs in the Province of Pichincha. This study highlights the need for appropriate accounting treatment to more accurately reflect the real value of companies.

Shifting towards social justice and human rights, "Two Years After the Femicide of Debanhi Susana Escobar Bazald: A Case Study on Violence Against Women on Social Networks" by Giovanna Georgina Ramírez Cerón and colleagues addresses the persistent issue of gender violence through a case study that reviews reactions on social networks to the femicide of Debanhi Escobar in Nuevo León, Mexico. This analysis delves into how public perceptions and victim-blaming perpetuate violence against women.

Delving into education, Yolibet Ollarves Levison in "A Look at the Genealogy of the Venezuelan Research Teacher" employs Foucault's theories to examine the dynamics of power and knowledge in the evolution of the role of the research teacher in Venezuela, showing how these factors have influenced the current configuration of the educational field.

Finally, "Cauldron and Miracle. The Dispute between Illiberal Populism and Democracy in Poland" by Armando Chaguaceda and Rebeca Salas sketches a critical portrait of the political landscape in Poland, reflecting tensions between populism and democratic principles in that context. This essay discusses how right-wing populism is reshaping the understanding of democracy in Eastern Europe.

Each article in this issue contributes to our understanding of the complex social and cultural fabrics that shape our world, offering critical perspectives that foster academic debate and reflection. We thank our contributors for their rigor and dedication and hope that readers find these studies as enlightening as they are motivating.


Mtro. José de Jesús Fernandez Malvaez, Dr. Juan Granados Valdéz
The exorcism in Querétaro: An anthropological and philosophical study
Mariela Chango-Galarza, Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez, Iralda Benavides-Echeverría , María Espinosa-Jaramillo , Diego Gallo-Bastidas
Fixed assets and their Reasonable Valuation key factor in the preparation of Financial Statements
Giovanna Georgina Ramírez Cerón, Saúl Ramírez De Los Santos, Luis Fernando Martínez Medina
Two years after the feminicide of Debanhi Susana Escobar Bazaldúa: Case study on violence against women on social networks